Mulberry St.品牌是由設計師Gary Lin創始於2010年的針織服飾品牌, 他們期望能賦予針織線衫新的生命力與創造力, 採用不同的縫製方法來設計針織毛衣, 讓針織衫更具備現代感與個人風格的特色.

Mulberry St.起源於一間傳統的針織服飾小工廠, 在Gary於2010年加入生產團隊後, 慢慢厭倦了毛衣與針織衫的一塵不變生產方式與設計, 於是開始著手嘗試以多層次的拼接方式來創造自然不造作的垂墜風格, 以完全迥異於當前針織毛衣的設計與縫合方式, 突破毛衣線衫給人的刻版印象, 讓毛衣線衫展現出多變化的青春活力, 並以台北的都會文化賦予Mulberry St.品牌獨具一格的風格與流行.

Mulberry St.品牌名稱起源於紐約市小義大利區
的一條街[Mulberry Street], 早期紐約市的蘇活SOHO區充滿了許多自由創造的藝術家, 他們的創作包含各種流行領域, 創作在SOHO永遠沒有侷限, 而當蘇活區在近年開始被國際精品攻佔後, 這群具有潛力的設計師與創作者開始移入小義大利Nolita區, 並以Mulberry Street為出中心點, 在這裡不僅可以看到浪漫與極簡風格的並存, 後現代藝術覆蓋了Nolita區, 然而不僅僅是創作, 許多小眾類型的餐廳與酒Bar開始出現更讓Nolita更有迷人特色, 當Gary Lin旅居紐約時, 深深愛上Mulberry Stree, 並時常在此地尋寶, 感受不同的藝術文化, 也因為對於Mulberry Street一直念念不忘, 就索性將品牌名稱取名為Mulberry再加上街道名的縮寫St., 就成了Mulberry St.
Mulberry St.致力創造出品質最佳和最具創意的針織洋裝與上衣, 融合平織拼接方式與針織的布料特性來創造出獨特的效果, 而針織毛線的垂墜力度更能夠創造出柔和不造作的飄逸, 輕鬆地穿出自我風格與流行性, 在Mulberry St.您將看不到所謂的基本款式服飾, 每件服裝都是我們最原創最有趣的設計, 因為我們相信這樣才最能呈現出Mulberry St.的品牌價值, 提供最好的設計與毛衣線衫給我們的朋友也是我們的支持者.

Mulbery St. was launched in 2010 by Gary Lin in Taipei - their desire was to make Knitwear swearter unique and contempory. This small knitwear company takes a unique hands-on approach with its weavers, as well as its yarns - using high quality wool to create premium fine knits with a signature weightless feel.

It all started from a small knitwear mill; the desginer, Gary Lin, was so tired about the traditional sweater design and manufacture after he joined this small company. Gary started to think and try something different to design the sweater. Using the weave and drap, Mulberry St. produce the unique urban style and young energy

The name of Mulberry St. is from the street of Mulberry located at NOLITA area in NYC. There are many talent designers and artists exhibit and sell their works at Mulberry Street. When Gary study at NY, Mulberry street always be the best place for hime to absorb the variety of fashion. That is how the brand name Mulberry St. came from.

We spend time thinking about what urban women really want; delicious colours and a beautiful soft finish but, and this is the most important, luxury clothes that look and feel gorgeous and eye catch. There is no regular sweater at Mulberry St.; every piece of clothes is based on "fun" and "unique". This is our brand value and our singature.

    Mulberry St.
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    Mulberry St. 桑葚街 風格設計服飾

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